The Wolfe Pack
Are "satisfactory" and "pfui" two of your favorite words? Would you rather put vinegar on things than use "contact" as a verb? When you close your eyes and think of West 35th Street, do you picture a row of elegant brownstones, one with greenhouses on the roof, rather than whats really there in 1998?
If so, theres an organization where you will find hundreds of kindred spirits. The Wolfe Pack, founded in 1978, is dedicated to the celebration of Americas greatestand largestdetective, Nero Wolfe, and his world. The Pack publishes a semiannual journal, the Gazette, and sponsors several events each year, including a shad roe dinner in the spring, and our oldest tradition, the Black Orchid Banquet, in December. There are local chapters, called racemes, for members outside New York City area, and were always looking for people interested in forming new racemes.
Dues for a two-year membership in The Wolfe Pack is $25.00, which entitles you to four issues of the Gazette and announcements of Pack events (the cost of events is not included in the membership fee).
I hope you will want to join our group of enthusiastic Wolfeans. Im sure youll find membership in The Wolfe Pack a satisfactory experience.
For Information on line send an e-mail to
Or print the following application and mail to the address indicated
To: The Wolfe Pack, PO Box 822, Ansonia Station, New York, NY 10023
Yes, I want to join The Wolfe Pack membership. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $25.00, payable to The Wolfe Pack. Please send the Gazette and all Pack mailings to:
Name: ___________________________ Street:_______________________________
City:________________ State:_______ Zip:_________ Phone:_________________